Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Confusing Run

Analyzing this weekend's run left me feeling like I felt after watching Inception: confused. I've thought about how I felt about my run for a day and a half now and I still don't know what to think. The one and only certain thing about Saturday's run is that it was incredibly icy. In fact, it was down right dangerous. I made it through that part, though.

After my three mile run on Tuesday when I didn't stop, I felt like I took a giant step backwards on Saturday. During the first three miles, I stopped four times (including the half way point where I always mentally allow myself to stop since there is usually a water stop there). The first mile and a half was the worst part. There were places where I couldn't even find a patch of concrete through all the ice. I kept thinking back and wondered how Tuesday's run was so easy for me.

At mile four things got better. I started to think that the first few miles were just due to the ice. Mile four didn't have as much ice so that had to have been it. Then I remembered back to the last time I trained for a full marathon. When I was running long miles, I never enjoyed the first three miles of a run. It always seemed to take my body a full three miles to realize it had to run. After three the body would stop fighting and just run. Maybe, just maybe my body was remembering that feeling and I was actually getting in a routine.

Mile five was just like four. I felt like my pace picked up and the running seemed to be getting easier. After all the time I had lost from stopping and from running on the early ice, I thought I had a chance to lower my overall pace which was a good feeling with all the slow running I have been doing. By mile five, I was certain that my body just needed to run more than three miles before I would start feeling good.

Mile six came. I stopped just to be nice to my body...not because I had to this time. Then, I tried to start again and it was like I was running in mud. I could barely move my legs that had been improving the last two miles. Had I known that, I never would have stopped. I noticed the ice was back. Maybe it was just the ice. I trudged through the last mile stopping for a couple quick breaks. That was discouraging.

Upon getting back to the wooden deck, I knew that I would see some improvement in my times at miles four and five once I checked my Garmin. I knew I had gotten faster. Those miles just felt easier. I knew I was going to be able to find a positive amongst the ice, snow, and cold. I checked my watch. Mile one was the fastest. What? The hardest mile with the most ice was the fastest??? How could that be? Maybe I should have been happy, but it made me feel like I didn't know what I was doing out there or why I was out there.

From there, I went to the Bluemile shoe store and (finally) purchased the Yaktrax. Might have been better to do that prior to running in the ice, but at least I finally did it. And, at least I won't have a problem with the ice and snow again if the Yaktrax work as well as I've been told they do.

Feeling a little better thanks to my new purchase, I headed over to Einstein's Bagels where a few of the other runners were gathering. Good conversation, relaxing, and a really great sandwich (oh, how I love, love, love Einstein's Bagels!) made me feel good about running again. As much as I want to get better at running, sometimes I forget what all I've gained from it. Great friends are great conversation are sometimes more important than the time on the clock at the end of an icy run.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today was the first day of my mini-marathon training program. Knowing that my official marathon training doesn't start until the end of February, I haven't thought much about the mini training. My focus has been on Grandma's Marathon. The Derby half and the Mini half fall into that program so I knew I would be ready for those races when the time came. What I wasn't ready for, however, was the first day of Mini training.

Today's mileage: 3. I tried to talk myself into believing that 3 miles wouldn't be hard. But, then, I remembered my 5 miles on Saturday when I stopped during the run to walk...and stopped again....and again....and again. I think you get the point. I thought back a little further. Yep, every recent run had the same trend-me stopping to walk! Two miles had been the longest I had made it since Christmas. Three miles may not seem that much longer than two miles, but mentally it definitely is!

When I arrived at the training program, a friend that is new to my running club, spotted me. We were both in the same pace group. That was a welcome change for me. I always seem to be the girl that no one goes the same speed as and therefore, I end up running alone. Tonight was different, though. Even as we reached the halfway mark where the 10:30 pace group, or "10:30ish" pace group as it was coined tonight, was beginning to spread out, I still had someone to run with. I wanted to stop. Oh, did I want to stop. But, because I had one person there with me running, I didn't stop. Success!

Sure, I had other people in the pace group, too, but I didn't know them personally. It was the personal connection that kept me running. It made me recall back to the second mini I did. I did great in that race and I know it was because there were four of us that year that kept each other on track. That personal connection is what made me a great runner (for me) that year. I think I have found that again. I am actually looking forward to next Tuesday's group run.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hard Core or Maybe Just Foolish

The temperature when I woke up this morning was 4 degrees. Therefore, I decided to sleep in an hour. What a great decision because by the time I ran, the temperature was a balmy 7 degrees and the wind chill was a warm 2 degrees. On top of the weather, the Monon was a sheet of ice covered with a layer of treaded snow. I only saw about 25 hard core runners out there today. Did I mention that I'm actually glad that I ran outside? Maybe that is where the foolish part comes in because I have never been colder in my entire life. Seriously, never.

Today I ran 5 miles. I'm glad I went farther, but I stopped soooo many times. I really don't know if it was the snow and ice that caused me to stop or if it was just the fact that I am still out of shape. I'm hoping it was just the snow. I didn't want to run on the treadmill because I knew I would stop a lot, and then I went outside and still did the same thing! That's okay, though. There is something about running in really bad weather that motivates me. Those are the times that I truly feel like a runner. Hardly seeing anyone on the trail inspired me and made me feel like I genuinely am a runner. Okay, so I felt that way at the beginning of the run and now 5 hours later, but at mile 3.5, I wasn't feeling so excited. Instead, I was feeling really ridiculous for going out into the cold. My under armour cold gear shirt and zip up jacket are amazing. My Nike gloves are equally wonderful. But, the Under Armour cold gear pants just didn't cut it. My legs have never hurt so much.

So, what does a person who ran 5 miles in 2 degree wind chill look like after a run when she still can't feel her legs? 

Not pretty, but smiling because hopefully, I will soon feel my legs again!

Lesson I learned today: I need to find a new pair of winter running pants!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

Snow is not helping me out right now! We received 3" today so that means the good ol' treadmill, or rather "dreadmill" as many runners refer to it. I did 3 miles. Right now, I'm just trying to get anything accomplished because the motivation is still not coming. I can't wait until I am back in a consistent routine again!

I did learn a few things this week. 1. You should use your foam roller before and after every run. I had no idea! I've been waiting to use it until after I am in pain. I am really curious to see what a difference this makes. I hope it helps me to not end up as sore. That would be nice. 2. Yaktrax. Another amazing piece of information! Apparently, Yaktrax help you run in snow. I went straight to Dicks' Sporting Goods tonight to buy some. Of course, they are sold out and have been for awhile. So now that I know about this wonderful invention that will help me stay outside and off the treadmill, I need to go on a scavenger hunt to find it!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Small Victories

The last three workouts had some small victories. Small victories that only I could notice! On Thursday, I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill-a whole .5 miles more than normal!! And I sped up at the end. I know that seems so simple for most people, but ever since I trained for my first marathon, I lost varying speeds. I truly have one speed and I can't make myself go any faster no matter how much I want to. So, for me, that was a victory even though I am still running incredibly slow compared to most people.

Thanks to being sick and also thanks to a busy schedule prior to my winter break, I haven't lifted weights for over a month, maybe even close to two months. I finally got back to my weights class yesterday. Yes, I take one of those girly weight classes; I don't do the real thing! My gym is so intimidating with all those boys-who probably do steroids-and the trainers there make fun of people while they are working out! How do I know this? Because I used to use the personal trainers and I witnessed it. So, for me who was already intimidated by lifting small weights in the middle of the big gym, I decided right then and there when I heard the trainers talking about the patrons that I would never work out there alone again. I wish there were better gym choices in Indy. LA Fitness is the best option on most sides of town, but it doesn't compare to wonderful LAC in Louisville, KY. I've been out of that city for 4 years and I STILL miss that wonderful gym!

Back to my class. I survived it! It was a long hour, though. And, I realized how seriously out of shape I am. My abs used to be my strongest body part...not anymore. That is a certainty. What I liked about this class/teacher is that she worked a lot on hip flexors which is what causes me a lot of problems on my runs. I definitely need to make sure to be in this class every Friday. I usually take it on Wednesday with another instructor. It is my goal to go to at least 2 of these classes every week, if not 3 classes. I really think the different instructors will help me with my runs because the instructors do very different workouts. Of course, when I woke up this morning, I don't know that I still thought taking this class was such a great idea. Can you say SORE?

So my two mile runs (and that one long 2.5 mile run!!) turned into a 4 mile run today. I went to my running club run which is 40 minutes from my house so there was no way I was only going to go 2. I had to run at least as long as I drove. The first two were good. I didn't stop once. The way back was not as easy. I did have to stop and my emotions were all over the place. On one hand, I know I haven't been running and I should be happy that I went that far even if I did walk, but on the other hand, I know I have to be ready to start my official running programs soon. And  the way I'm running is not going to cut it. Mentally, I am focused on training for Grandma's Marathon. However, I have two half marathons coming up, too. I know eventually my marathon training will have me doing many more miles than the halves so I haven't worried about it. Only problem is the half marathon training starts next week and I'm not ready!

So, what did I learn today? I have to start running outside. I'm still not at the speed I'd like to be, but I cut at least a minute off my pace by not running on the treadmill. We'll see if the weather next week will help me out by not continuing to snow so that I can get outside.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Two Bad Runs Sandwiched Between a Good Run

The last few runs have been interesting. A good run sandwiched in between two bad ones! Well, when I say good that might be overstating it, but it was a run that made me feel a little bit like a runner again.

On Saturday, I ran two miles again. Yes, that's all I'm trying to conquer-the two mile run! It was awful. My legs hurt by mile one. They had been sore since earlier in the week even though I had used the foam roller on numerous occasions. I'm still not sure how someone gets THAT sore from two mile runs!

 During the run, I kept having flashbacks of the training program I took the first time I trained for the Indy Mini-Marathon. One of the instructors said, "The first week is the hardest. If you can get through the first week, you can get through anything." I remember that being true. I still remember that first week when I ran a mile, two miles, and another mile or two. I even tried eating cheese fries from Outback and then running one day during that first week. That certainly didn't turn out so well! Anyways, back to Saturday. I struggled through the entire run. Then, came the last tenth of mile. I know, I know a tenth isn't much, but it was a huge deal to me. For the last tenth, I turned the treadmill up a notch. Now, that may not sound so great, but I have been stuck in the same gear for over a year now. It is almost impossible for me to make my body go even a tiny bit faster so that was a huge deal that I was able to do that even if it was for a super short amount of time. Because of that, I was able to be okay with a bad run.

Then, Sunday came. I didn' t stop for the entire first mile. Again, this may not seem like such a big feat for most people, but I was ecstatic about this considering I had stopped 4 or 5 times the last couple runs. It even felt good as I was running; maybe it even felt easy! Even better, instead of raising the speed on the treadmill the last tenth of a mile, I was able to raise it up for the last five-tenths of a mile. And, then for the last one-tenth, I even pushed it a little higher. This particular two mile run made me feel like I had just qualified for Boston! I felt like what I heard a few years ago about the first week back was absolutely true and I was on my way into week two where it might get a little bit easier.

Today, I intended to go to the gym to cross-train at my favorite spin class. I headed out the door, looking forward to working out, but not running. Then, I couldn't find my lock for the gym locker. After spending ten minutes looking all over for it, I realized it was too late to leave for the gym if I wanted to make the class. Thanks new January people who sign up for my weekly class thirty minutes before the scheduled time even though you won't be there in a month! So, that meant I had to run my big two miles again. I wasn't mentally into the run today, but I did it anyways. It would have been SO easy to just do nothing easy. I was very proud that I got miles in when I didn't want to. It was a hard run. I stopped at least three times. I only went faster the last one-tenth, but I was also proud that I did that because I did NOT want to. My mind is starting to let my body know who is in charge!

Three days. Three different runs. Two-thirds of those runs weren't good, but I still feel like things are going in the right direction. This road is a long one...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Starting Over

Two miles. 23:22. Why did I decide to blog about my last marathon? I feel like I'm starting over-and I guess I am. The last two weeks didn't go as planned.  (Wait, isn't that just how marathon training goes?!) I ended up being sick and glued to the couch which meant zero running. So, today when I finally got back out there, it was misery! My goal was to run three. Then, I got to 1/2 mile and realized that the road back was going to be a bit harder than I wanted it to be. I stopped five times during my measly 2 mile run! I am supposed to be able to run this marathon in June, right? I'm starting to wonder if I have it in me. Maybe I was a one year marathoner.
As discouraged as I was during the run, I still somehow felt inspired enough to actually put together my 16 week training program. That actually made me feel better because I don't technically have to be ready for the program until the last week of February. I didn't realize I had that much time. Of course, I'm also running the Indy and Derby Mini-Marathons prior to the big one, Grandma's Marathon. Therefore, I do need to be able to put some miles on the pavement!
Tomorrow is another day and it's an opportunity to get one step closer to where I need to be.