Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

Snow is not helping me out right now! We received 3" today so that means the good ol' treadmill, or rather "dreadmill" as many runners refer to it. I did 3 miles. Right now, I'm just trying to get anything accomplished because the motivation is still not coming. I can't wait until I am back in a consistent routine again!

I did learn a few things this week. 1. You should use your foam roller before and after every run. I had no idea! I've been waiting to use it until after I am in pain. I am really curious to see what a difference this makes. I hope it helps me to not end up as sore. That would be nice. 2. Yaktrax. Another amazing piece of information! Apparently, Yaktrax help you run in snow. I went straight to Dicks' Sporting Goods tonight to buy some. Of course, they are sold out and have been for awhile. So now that I know about this wonderful invention that will help me stay outside and off the treadmill, I need to go on a scavenger hunt to find it!


  1. Wow! I just picked up a foam roller today after a friend of mine told me yesterday how wonderful they were. I have been having some pain for the last 2 or 3 months in my glutes and 5 minutes on the roller and I finally have relief.

    As for Yaktrax, I am not sure were you live, but I saw something similar at Olympia Sports two weeks ago. I live in the Northeast, so it may just be a local sporting goods chain storeup here.


  2. Yes, the foam roller is the BEST thing I've ever been told about!
    I think I'm going to have to order the Yaktrax online. I'm in Indy and we dont' have an Olympia Sports. I have one other place to check before I order, though!
