Monday, May 30, 2011


After my 20 miler, I felt confident. Finally! However, both my feet were sore. Makes sense after 20 miles so I didn't think much about it all week. Two days ago, I ran a short 14 miles. (You have to love when 14 miles is a short run!) It seemed really easy. My lungs felt good, my legs felt good. However, my feet started to hurt in the same spot as the previous week. One foot hurt worse than the other.  I didn't think much about it, though, until I finished my run.

I touched my foot. Pain! I took my shoe off. Bruise! It wasn't a big bruise, but it is definitely still there two days after the run and it is also a bit swollen. This leads me to a dilemma. This week I am supposed to run 22 miles. Do I do it? I want to. I want to see how well I can do. I want to feel well trained. However, I truly wonder if my foot can take a 22 and a 26 mile run in the next 3 weeks. I have no doubt that I can pull out one long run. I know it will be painful, but that I will be able to get through it. I'm not sure I can do two long runs, though. I have no idea what is actually wrong with my foot. Even with my internet medical degree, I can't find a diagnosis!

I want to make the right choice, but I'm not sure which choice is correct. I'm not sure if I should run a shorter run this week or go for the full 22. I want to do what will give me the best outcome on race day. I fear that I won't know what the right choice is until it is too late, until I've run too far. Right now, I could really use a psychic to predict the future for me!


  1. Just a suggestion. Follow the Carmel marathon training guide. Do the 8 mile run on Saturday and continue to taper back the miles while running them quicker. I wouldn't do another 22 mile run before the full marathon on the 11th. Let your feet and body get some rest. You will do fine on Marathon day.

  2. I'm not running the Carmel full. I'm working packet pickup for Carmel.
