Monday, December 27, 2010

All the Pieces

Christmas: new running belt, Eagle Creek park pass for hills, 3 Under Armour compression shorts, 3 Nike running shorts, 1 marathon medal holder, iTunes cards.

Day after Christmas: 1 flight booked to Duluth, MN, 1 hotel booked, 1 Resort and Spa trip booked to celebrate after it's all over.

Health: Cortisone shot received in hip a few weeks ago, weekly trips to the chiropractor, summer of physical therapy.

I have all the pieces I need. However, there is that one pesky little thing that needs to happen: running. I've been sick for a week and unable to run. The really bad part is my motivation was finally back last week! So, as cliche as it is....TOMORROW I will start running again.


  1. Hi Andrea! Just saw your comment on facebook, am looking forward to following your blog as you prepare for your last marathon! I've just signed up for Grandma's half marathon, it will be my 2nd race (ran the Nike Women's half in October in San Fran, surprised myself by loving it!!). I've been wimping out this last month on staying in shape, so looking forward to getting back into it in the new year. We will have to keep each other motivated! Thanks for blogging about it all, I'll keep reading! :)
    Bonnie J

  2. So glad you will be following me. We runners need as many other runners as possible to keep us motivated. Unfortunately, I've had bronchitis for the last 12 days so that has put a damper on my my goal of being back to 6 miles by January 1. Let the good times begin, right?!
    I can't believe you did San Fran as your first-hilly!!! Congrats!
