Monday, June 6, 2011

Mixed Feelings and the Taper

Less than two weeks to go. Over 20 weeks of training down. I should be confident and I am, but then 10 minutes later, I'm not. I recently read an article about the last two weeks of marathon training. It explained me to a T. It discussed how a runner questions everything. That's me. I wonder if I worked hard enough. I wonder if I trained too much when injured. I wonder if my nutrition was good enough. I wonder if I cross-trained enough or maybe too much. I wonder if skipping that whole week of running during spring break ruined everything.

Then, I think about the future. I wonder if I'll fall in a hole and twist my ankle. I wonder if my plane will be late. I wonder if I can even do it. Twenty-six miles is a long way to run and twenty miles seems like a lifetime ago. The taper is SCARY. I wonder why running only 12 miles on Saturday hurt. I wonder how I can possibly run 26 if 12 hurt?!

Then, a spark of confidence arrives and I know I will be great. I know that I have trained. I know I am ready.  I know my goal is within reach. Twenty weeks of training is a lot of sacrifice for one day. One day! Four hours and thirty minutes (hopefully). Every thought I have is about race day (though I'm doing a great job of distracting myself with thoughts of my two recovery vacations).

What's left to do now? Exactly what I tell others-BELIEVE IN THE TAPER.

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