Saturday, April 16, 2011

Serious Turns Sick

Last week, I determined that it was time to get serious. Instead, I got sick. A big thank you goes out to the torrential downpour that visited the end of my race last weekend. The first couple days of the week I went straight home after work, took Mucinex and cough syrup, and headed straight to bed. By the middle of the week, I forced two short runs out of me. Not good runs, but I pounded out a few miles no matter what.

By the time I went to bed Friday night, I knew I still wasn't feeling well, but I also knew that I desperately needed to get my miles in. I didn't care if they were slower; I just wanted them finished. What ensued Saturday morning was not pretty, but the miles were accomplished.

At 195 feet, I wanted to stop! That's right. 195 feet. Turns out the Garmin goes in feet prior to it making it to tenths of miles. That's something new I learned today. I don't normally look at my watch that quickly! By mile 2, I was sick to my stomach. Really sick. I had to walk most of that mile and then took a small time-out at mile 3.

Things got slightly better during miles 3-7. I was still struggling to put one foot in front of another. I stopped often to walk. However, I no longer felt sick. Still, I chose not to take any of my Gu's so I wouldn't risk upsetting my stomach further.

 It was also during these miles that the sky turned darker. I knew it was supposed to rain, but I was hoping I could get at least most of my run in prior to the rainstorm. By mile seven, I wasn't sure that was going to happen. However, 7-14 were dreary, but no rain! Tough miles, though. Lots of stopping. Considering how I felt, I didn't mind the stopping. I was happy I finished the miles.

Today was the slowest, hardest, worst run I have ever completed in my four years of running. Completing it, though, feeling as bad I did, meant that I still have that dedication in me.  To celebrate that dedication, I will spend the rest of the day relaxing on the couch!


  1. I hate getting sick 'cause then I can't run. I hope you get feeling better soon so you can get out there & run again.

  2. Good job toughing it out. Next time leave the garmin at home.

  3. I hope that the last few days have been good to you so you can recover in a healthy manner! You will be running again before you know it!
